Betrayal at krondor help web
Betrayal at krondor help web

Oh well, something to keep in mind for my next game - at my current rate, in another 12 years! Thanks for the help.

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My current theory about why I don't get the Mind Readers option in my "real" game is that since I had completed the Sung/Nago quest in the far south, and that's what the post-trap intra-party dialogue is about, that doing some part of, or perhaps completing, that quest turns off the Isaac dialogue. I haven't finished the quest to actually get Devon to teach me defense, mainly because the battles are a little tough for my poorly equipped crew (a testament to the game's depth - you have to keep your eyes open and play skillfully or it can be quite difficult), but I trust everything would work out as expected.

#Betrayal at krondor help web download

Also has a link to Sierra where you can download the game for free. I headed east for Hawk's Hollow and Isaac, and there was the elusive Mind Readers dialogue. Classify is an OCLC Research prototype that helps you classify books, magazines. Alt-Tab: Betrayal at Krondor (Site dedicated to the game, includes various reviews of the game and some downloads.) Betrayal at Krondor - FAQs & Guides (Various Guides and FAQs posted on ) Betrayal At Krondor Help Web (All Things BAK. Just for posterity's sake, I started a new game and sprinted down there, triggered the trap (no immediate intra-party dialogue, which scared me for a moment), then I took one or two steps south, and sure enough, they started talking about mind speach and Nago and so forth. I guess I'll have to give it up for this run-through, since it seems Isaac's Mind Readers option will be permanently off this game. If you want you can explore the Sewers below Krondor all over again. Do it MAP of Krondor Sewers (Upper Level) When youve done all you can in the Palace, enter the Sewers again. For game enthusiasts visit The Betrayal at Krondor Help Web and The Masters. James and Gorath are your characters, but you can 'steal' Locklears Inventory from a room in the palace.

betrayal at krondor help web

I've already been through that trap south of Zun, so I couldn't get it again and go through that dialogue again (I distinctly remember it from the first time, though). Midkemia Press - the originators (along with Ray Feist) of the world of Midkemia.

Betrayal at krondor help web